Sunday, May 13, 2007

Weight Loss Mantra: Cutting Calories, Not Exercise

The Weight Loss mantra ‘reduce calories and increase exercise’ gives the better resuts if it is followed . If you don’t have sufficient time for exercise daily then reducing calories is an effective way to keep weight off.

Jamy Ard, M.D., assistant professor of nutrition sciences and medical director of EatRight Weight Management Services said ,"Our results show that individuals who successfully maintain body weight after completing EatRight consume fewer calories and have a lower energy density dietary pattern than those who do not maintain body weight.This calorie control led to successful weight maintenance despite the fact that these individuals did not meet recommended exercise levels."

He added,"It's clear that exercise combined with a low energy density diet is the best approach for weight loss and overall good health.But many people report finding time to exercise is a major obstacle. It's encouraging to report that weight loss can be maintained primarily through a low calorie diet."

1 comment:

Philomina said...

When you have a advanced level of power, you experience much better, and that allows you make excellent choices about meals and work out. Many diets fail because individuals eat the wrong things to get some quick power.
