Losing belly fat has become a big dream for millions of people all over the world, because according to current stats, weight loss has become a multi BILLION industry. And why do people need to lose weight? Mostly because they want to get rid of belly fat or the love handles or finally to get to see their own FEET!
In this article I am going to show you 5 easy steps that will easily get you on track and get rid of those love handles and get a tight belly in no time.
Step 1: Nutrition
The first and most important step is to control your nutrition. No matter how hard you workout, you need to give your body the proper input. A car running on petrol won¡¯t run on water. In the same way, giving your body the wrong nutrition can have adverse effects to whatever you do, no matter how many hours of cardio you do or how many Ab crunches you do. If you want to get things in perspective concerning your belly fat situation, then you need to feed your body with the proper input at the proper time. Eg: more lean protein, frequent glasses of water, fruits and vegetables etc..
Step 2: Meal Plan
This goes along with the nutrition when it comes to importance. In order to get your body ultra fat burning mode, you need to prevent your body from entering starvation mode. This does not mean barging into food all at once. You need to feed your body a maximum of 350-500 calories every three hours or so. Remember; if your body gets no input for more than four hours, your body will assume that you are fasting and it will enter starvation mode, which means your body will be storing all the fat instead of burning them. So BE AWARE of your meal frequency which should be a minimum of five short meals a day.
Step 3: Training
In order to get rid of belly fat, you need to burn the entire fat all over your body. A guy will flabby arms and gigantic thighs cannot have a six pack. You get me? Hope so. Nutrition and Meal plan do 50% of the fat loss work for you. But weight training or Bodyweight Training help improve your fat loss progress. Every single pound of Muscle added to your body helps burn an extra 35 calories everyday. That¡¯s 3.7 pounds of fat loss per year on autopilot. By training your body with the goal to add muscle, that¡¯s by working your major muscles like the chest, back, legs at a repetition range of 8-12 reps, 3 sets each with a slow tempo of 3-1-2. [Three seconds at the hard part of the movement, 1 second at the peak, and 2 seconds on return].
Step 4: Cardio
As much as you don¡¯t like to hear the word cardio, you need to do cardio right AFTER Step 3 because after your workout, your body will be flushing the glycogen [That¡¯s a good thing], which means you can take advantage of it by doing cardio to put the extreme touch on fat burning process. By flushin on glycogen means, your body has used up all the energy, and is now gonna pull out the fat to be used as energy. So doing cardio now will make you happy because you know you are burning the fat.
Now I know Cardio is boring, and according to recent research, an idea used in the 1980¡¯s called HIIT has now become very popular in the fat loss industry because High Intensity Interval Training lets you take your body beyond the normal Fat Burning Zone into gasping for air zone, which is good because the more your body gasps your air, the more oxygen sucked in by your body, and more fresh blood to boost up the fat loss.
HIIT works best with Treadmill, Sprinting, Mountain Sprinting, Body weight Intervals and a Stationary Bike.Step 5:
Core Training
As much as it is important to lose fat all around the body, if you don't have a strong core, you wont see those strong abs. In order to achieve a that tight and firm belly fat, you need to do a couple of exercises for your core. This simply means your abs, but a deeper version. Doing hundreds of Ab Crunches won¡¯t work. A few core exercises like Planks, Ab curl ups, Spiderman Climbers, Mountain Climbers etc.. wil do the trick. 8 to 10 reps of three sets each.
If you just sit on the couch reading hundreds of books and articles on how to lose fat without actually putting them into action, you are not going to reach anywhere. READING how to drive a car won¡¯t help you reach your destination. You need to actually DRIVE it..!
So use these five steps into action right now without fail, and I promise you that if you follow the exact guidelines provided in this action plan, you are going to be smiling wide in four weeks!
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