It is being observed by the scientists that sugar is associated with obesity. It is found that more sugar is consumed by the obese persons.
The spot urine and blood tests resulted out that comsumption of sugar is more by the obese people and they take less vitamin C as compared to their thinner counterparts. The obese people may have a less active lifestyle than the normal weight people.
In the study 20% of people tested are found to eat least sugar 76g per day but 20% who took the most sugar is 207g per day which is nearly three times more.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sugar and Obesity
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Weight Loss : A Solution to Foot Problem
Foot problem, which increases the long list of conditions which is a result of overweight .When u take a step each time, you are putting one and a half times your weight on your foot.
It becomes three to four times your weight when you play tennis each time it hits the ground. Every pound of increment in weight increases the hammering on your feet.
Excess weight resulted in the misery of heel pain and arthritis, among other foot problems. The inflammation which runs from your heel to the ball of your foot is caused by too much pressure or strain resulted in to a sharp pain at the heel.
If you are overweight or obese, you're likely to leave your foot doctor's office not only with pain medication and instructions for stretching exercises, but also with some advice on losing weight.
Of course, foot problems develop for many reasons. All told, more than three out of four Americans will suffer some kind of foot ailment in their lifetimes. And there are more than 300 types of foot problems that can develop, according to Foot Care Basics.
Along with pain medication and instructions for stretching exercise, weight loss can be the solution to foot pain problem.
According to Foot Care Basics there are more than 300 types of foot problems that can develop. More than three out of four Americans will suffer some kind of foot ailment in their lifetimes.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Weight Loss Key Factor
A clinical trial with one year duration pointed out key factors for weight loss. Eating less doesn’t mean it reduces your weight but eating smart really help you to get rid of excess weight. Here eating smart refers to the food which provide low calorie density food. It is not only reduce your weight but also help you to control hunger.
Foods such as fruits, vegetables, soup, lean meat, and low-fat dairy products - are low in calorie density and provide few calories per bite which can be included in smart eating..
Dr. Julia A. Ello-Martin, who conducted the study as part of her doctoral dissertation in the College of Health and Human Development at Penn State said,"Eating a diet that is low in calorie density allows people to eat satisfying portions of food, and this may decrease feelings of hunger and deprivation while reducing calories."
He also added, "We have now shown that choosing foods that are low in calorie density helps in losing weight, without the restrictive messages of other weight loss diets,"
Monday, June 11, 2007
Weight Loss with out going hungry
Millions of people all over the world are facing the problem of obesity. There is not any magic bullet to get rid of this problem of obesity.
However, a young researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem revealed that he came to know a practical weight loss solution for obese person without his having to feel hungry.
Yaniv Linde, a 32-year-old Ph.D. student of Prof. Chaim Gilon in the Department of Organic Chemistry at the
The young Hebrew university researchers developed a novel method for synthesizing a peptide (a peptide is a compound linking two or more amino acids) which can serve as an analog to the naturally occurring aMSH hormone. They were able to demonstrate that their peptide, which they call BL-3020, displayed good metabolic stability to intestinal enzymes when swallowed, and that it was able to cross the intestinal wall and gain access into the blood stream. Once in the blood, it could make its way to the MC4R receptor and "close the circuit" to send out the "full" signal.
The result is that a person seriously wishing to overcome obesity could take this compound orally in order to curb his appetite, thus leading to natural weight loss. In experiments with mice, it was shown that a single oral administration of BL-3020 led to reduced consumption over a period of 24 hours. Over a 12-day period of daily dosages, the mice weighed 40 percent less than the average for mice of their size and age who were not being given the compound.
The peptide has been patented in Europe and the
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Obesity – A Risk for Pancreatic Surgery
There may be more chance of post-operative complications for the patients who had pancreatic surgery because of obesity.
Adam Berger, M.D., assistant professor of surgery at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University said , “A study of 202 pancreatic surgeries from 2000 to 2005 indicates obese patients had an increased time on the operating table, blood loss, length of hospital stay and rate of serious complications compared to normal weight individuals.”
The increasing Body Mass Index (BMI) is going to be the biggest problem for the health care professional’s .
The higher BMI can cause more risk of diabetes and heart disease, as well as esophageal and pancreatic cancers.
In a study it is found that the rate of serious complications in obese, normal and overweight patients is 27, 18 and 15 percent respectively.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Walking Reduces Many Health Problems
Most of the obese people are suffering from heart disease, diabetes problems .The excess weight becomes a big problem for them. At this stage of life they are unable to do hard exercise or join a gym for weight loss. Walking play an important role to help them to reduce the problem caused by the excess weight.
The study published on pointed out that the right kind of help give support to people to encourage them to walk for up to 30-60 minutes more per week.
Physical activity is very useful to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer of the colon. Walking which is a free and convenient method provide activeness in the people that’s why most people go for a walk even in the old age.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Relation Between Obesity and Physical Disability
The research carried out at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and colleagues pointed out that the inception of physical disability in the aged persons can be disallowed by maintaing a healthy body weight.
The older adults having excess weight during their midlife were found to have not as good as physical performance in late adulthood as compared to those who had normal weight in their adulthood.
Denise K. Houston, Ph.D., R.D., lead author and an instructor in internal medicine-gerontology said,"The data suggest that interventions to prevent overweight and obesity in young and middle-age adults may be useful in preventing or delaying the onset of physical disability later in life."
The relation between obesity and physical disability is well known. The research was done over 2,803 participants. It is found that Obesity may lead to joint wear and tear, reduced exercise capacity, and a higher rate of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and arthritis that can result in physical disability.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Little Physical Activity Improve Fitness Level
Even a little physical activity approximately 75 minutes a week can be beneficial to improve the fitness state for postmenopausal women who are sedentary and overweight or obese.
Low level fitness of cardiorespiratory fitness can cause in the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and death. This risk reduces with the improvements in fitness. The physical activity is directly proportional to fitness in the adults.
Timothy S. Church, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D and colleagues has examined the effect of 50 percent, 100 percent, and 150 percent of the NIH Consensus Panel physical activity recommendations on cardiorespiratory fitness in sedentary, overweight or obese postmenopausal women with elevated blood pressure. They suggested at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. The panel studied 464 sedentary, postmenopausal overweight or obese women whose body mass index ranged from 25.0 to 43.0 and whose systolic blood pressure ranged from 120.0 to 159.9 mm Hg. Enrollment took place between April 2001 and June 2005.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Weight Loss Mantra: Cutting Calories, Not Exercise
The Weight Loss mantra ‘reduce calories and increase exercise’ gives the better resuts if it is followed . If you don’t have sufficient time for exercise daily then reducing calories is an effective way to keep weight off.
Jamy Ard, M.D., assistant professor of nutrition sciences and medical director of EatRight Weight Management Services said ,"Our results show that individuals who successfully maintain body weight after completing EatRight consume fewer calories and have a lower energy density dietary pattern than those who do not maintain body weight.This calorie control led to successful weight maintenance despite the fact that these individuals did not meet recommended exercise levels."
He added,"It's clear that exercise combined with a low energy density diet is the best approach for weight loss and overall good health.But many people report finding time to exercise is a major obstacle. It's encouraging to report that weight loss can be maintained primarily through a low calorie diet."
Monday, May 7, 2007
Four keys to prevent adolescents obesity
- fruits and vegetables:To include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet is very useful .five fruits and vegetables in your meal is very beneficial for the obese adolescents.Fruits and vegetables prevents the obesity in the adolescents .
- TV or computer :It is recommended that the teenagers should not spend more than two hours in front of TV or computer.Excess spending of time is also increases obesity in the adolescents.Now adays teenagers are spending a lot of time with tv or computer which is not good in terms of obesity.
- Exercise :Exercise keeps you fit and fine .It reduces excess fat of your body .it is healthy way to fight aginst obesity without any side effect.
- sugar-sweetened drinks:Most of the teenagers are very fond of sugar sweetened drinks which is not good for their health .it also a factor to increase the obesity in the adolescents.
Jennifer Foltz, M.D., a pediatric fellow and an attending physician at the University of Rochester Medical Center said, “Clinicians and community leaders need to focus on these four, simple goals to get the message across to adolescents and families that small changes can reap lifelong benefits.Doctors should be talking to their patients about nutrition, physical activity and screen time, and the public health community should be promoting and increasing the availability of fruits and vegetables while decreasing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages."
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Television Increases Obesity
A study done by the University of Liverpool psychologists pointed out that the consumption of food by obese and overweight children increase by more than 100 percent because of food advertisements on television seen by these children.
Dr Jason Halford, Director of the University's Kissileff Human Ingestive Behaviour Laboratory said, "Our research confirms food TV advertising has a profound effect on all children's eating habits - doubling their consumption rate. The study was also particularly interesting in suggesting a strong connection between weight and susceptibility to over-eating when exposed to food adverts on television."
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Childhood Obesity
Hi...Yesterday i was surfing net. There i found that the problem of childhood obesity is going on increasing in many countries of the world.In a research it is found the Sporting activity is very helpful in reducing the childhood obesity.The children facing this problem should take part in the sporting activity.....
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Five Factors Keep the Body Better
Exercising your right to a better body means having one that functions well on the inside and outside. This does take time, but the rewards are worth it. You will feel positive about yourself and project that to those around you. Begin with an assessment of where you are and where you want to be. Then, make your move with these five steps:
1) Get your Heart Going
The technical terms for this type of exercise are cardiovascular or aerobic training. Exercises like walking, running, and swimming will help you build strong heart and lung muscles and help you control your weight. This type of exercise also tones your muscles.
2) Build Muscle While walking and running will help you tone, you can also lose muscle with too much aerobic exercise. And since your goal is to look good on the outside as well , you will want to build some muscle. Maybe you don't want to look like Arnold Schwartzenegger, that's okay. Using weights to strengthen your muscle will add more mass to them. Muscle needs food to thrive. Building muscle will allow you to use the food you eat more efficiently so that you can reduce body fat and get the shape you want.
3) Eat to Live
Learn to eat to live not live to eat! Eating a balanced combination of foods in proper quantities will help you get and maintain the body you want. That means you need to eat carbohydrates (startches), protein (meat and dairy) and yes, even some fat. The 5 and 1 program gives you the balanced diet you need to be strong and lean while losing weight. Do not stray from your program!
4) Get your Rest!
You've heard the saying 'too much of a good thing'. Exercise and rest go hand in hand. You actually wear your body down during exercise and build it up with rest. Too much of one or the other can have different, yet disastrous effects. For those over thirty, it takes the body about 24 hours to fully recover from an hour of strenuous exercise, so it's a good idea to take a couple of days off a week. Daily rest is also important, so get it!
5) Keep at it and reward yourself!
Most people start off well, yet finish poorly. A fitness program is a lifetime commitment, not a short term project. In order to keep a level of persistence, you need to reward yourself periodically. Maybe it's an extra day off from training or a new piece of clothing, or pedicure. It's your choice, but don't forget it.
Remember to wait and begin your exercise program once you have been on your weight loss program for at least three weeks. If you were exercising before you started, then cut your workout in half and for no longer than 20 minutes/day for the first 2-3 weeks. You must give your body a chance to get used to burning fat for energy before you exert yourself.
Also, if you are morbidly obese or have a body mass index of 30 or more, please consult with your physician and choose the exercise best suited for you!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Action Plan to Get Rid of Belly Fat Fast
Losing belly fat has become a big dream for millions of people all over the world, because according to current stats, weight loss has become a multi BILLION industry. And why do people need to lose weight? Mostly because they want to get rid of belly fat or the love handles or finally to get to see their own FEET!
In this article I am going to show you 5 easy steps that will easily get you on track and get rid of those love handles and get a tight belly in no time.
Step 1: Nutrition
The first and most important step is to control your nutrition. No matter how hard you workout, you need to give your body the proper input. A car running on petrol won¡¯t run on water. In the same way, giving your body the wrong nutrition can have adverse effects to whatever you do, no matter how many hours of cardio you do or how many Ab crunches you do. If you want to get things in perspective concerning your belly fat situation, then you need to feed your body with the proper input at the proper time. Eg: more lean protein, frequent glasses of water, fruits and vegetables etc..
Step 2: Meal Plan
This goes along with the nutrition when it comes to importance. In order to get your body ultra fat burning mode, you need to prevent your body from entering starvation mode. This does not mean barging into food all at once. You need to feed your body a maximum of 350-500 calories every three hours or so. Remember; if your body gets no input for more than four hours, your body will assume that you are fasting and it will enter starvation mode, which means your body will be storing all the fat instead of burning them. So BE AWARE of your meal frequency which should be a minimum of five short meals a day.
Step 3: Training
In order to get rid of belly fat, you need to burn the entire fat all over your body. A guy will flabby arms and gigantic thighs cannot have a six pack. You get me? Hope so. Nutrition and Meal plan do 50% of the fat loss work for you. But weight training or Bodyweight Training help improve your fat loss progress. Every single pound of Muscle added to your body helps burn an extra 35 calories everyday. That¡¯s 3.7 pounds of fat loss per year on autopilot. By training your body with the goal to add muscle, that¡¯s by working your major muscles like the chest, back, legs at a repetition range of 8-12 reps, 3 sets each with a slow tempo of 3-1-2. [Three seconds at the hard part of the movement, 1 second at the peak, and 2 seconds on return].
Step 4: Cardio
As much as you don¡¯t like to hear the word cardio, you need to do cardio right AFTER Step 3 because after your workout, your body will be flushing the glycogen [That¡¯s a good thing], which means you can take advantage of it by doing cardio to put the extreme touch on fat burning process. By flushin on glycogen means, your body has used up all the energy, and is now gonna pull out the fat to be used as energy. So doing cardio now will make you happy because you know you are burning the fat.
Now I know Cardio is boring, and according to recent research, an idea used in the 1980¡¯s called HIIT has now become very popular in the fat loss industry because High Intensity Interval Training lets you take your body beyond the normal Fat Burning Zone into gasping for air zone, which is good because the more your body gasps your air, the more oxygen sucked in by your body, and more fresh blood to boost up the fat loss.
HIIT works best with Treadmill, Sprinting, Mountain Sprinting, Body weight Intervals and a Stationary Bike.Step 5:
Core Training
As much as it is important to lose fat all around the body, if you don't have a strong core, you wont see those strong abs. In order to achieve a that tight and firm belly fat, you need to do a couple of exercises for your core. This simply means your abs, but a deeper version. Doing hundreds of Ab Crunches won¡¯t work. A few core exercises like Planks, Ab curl ups, Spiderman Climbers, Mountain Climbers etc.. wil do the trick. 8 to 10 reps of three sets each.
If you just sit on the couch reading hundreds of books and articles on how to lose fat without actually putting them into action, you are not going to reach anywhere. READING how to drive a car won¡¯t help you reach your destination. You need to actually DRIVE it..!
So use these five steps into action right now without fail, and I promise you that if you follow the exact guidelines provided in this action plan, you are going to be smiling wide in four weeks!Friday, April 13, 2007
Eat More, Lose Weight
The annoying thing about diets is you tend to lessen the food you eat and get hungry easily. It's not easy to say no to delicious food when your stomach is so hungry craving for anything just to fill your tummy. Dieting is nonsense if you'll continue eating anything you feel like eating. In order to lose weight, you need to have a healthy eating plan that will keep you full for a long period of time. Losing weight without getting hungry? Yes, it's possible!
Being Aware of the Food You Eat
You have to eat MORE, not less, to stay full for longer but it all depends on the type and amount of food that you eat. Make yourself aware of what is in your food so that you'll know how much you can eat compared to other foods. For example, there are 100 calories in just ¼ of a cup of raisins but for 100 calories you can also have 2 ¼ cups of strawberries. Obviously, the strawberries will keep you full for longer as you will be having more of them for the same amount of calories as the raisins.
So, you need to know what you are eating and its equivalent in order to eat more and still lose weight.
Eating the Same Amount Every Day Is Essential
Diets fail because they lessen their food intake. Now basically your stomach is used to eating the same amount every day. It is not interested in how many calories you are taking in or how much fat is in each meal, it just wants the same amount every single day.
This means that you do have to find better foods which you can eat more of. One thing that you could do is to make your usual foods a little healthier by substituting something with something else. For example, if you enjoy a nice fried breakfast, you do not have to stop having your favorite meal completely and opt for a smoothie instead. All you have to do is grill various breakfast items such as sausages and bacon and that way you will cut down on quite a lot of the calories. So, you can still have your big breakfast, you just have to make it a little healthier.
You do need to eat as much as you currently were but you just have to make it healthier. You can have nuts, seeds and fruit for snack to ease any cravings and be more food conscious when creating a main meal. You have a choice of not getting hungry to lose weight when you're knowledgeable enough of the food you eat.
Proactol™ is a clinically proven fat binder recommended by health professionals which can reduce your calorie intake by lessening your dietary fat intake by up to 28% when taken after meals.Fast Weight Loss Tips for Man or Woman
There are a few tips for fast and easy weight loss. I'll let you know what works and why. Let's get started.
1. Diet control and exercize - Ok, so we've all heard this before, and you might say "it's not that easy" but simply being mindful of what you eat and how often you exercize will lead to more healthy habits.
2. Change your lifestyle - Another step that's easier said than done. If you consider what you're doing to be a diet, you will lose weight and then stop the diet. This will only lead you back to all the habits that made you gain weight to begin with. Be committed and find ways to eat better and exercize more that you can live with that will ultimately become habit.
3. Join an online support group - Why do it alone? Sharing your experience and creating accountability will help you to make the right decisions. Be proud of what you accomplish and share it with others to feel better about yourself and reinforce your new habits.
4. Take a before photo - Don't forget why you wanted to begin losing weight. Compare to current photos to really absorb and appreciate the positive changes in your life.
5. Start reading labels - Find the foods you eat regularly which are the highest in fat and calorie content. Cutting these foods out or finding substitutes will help you to ease in to healthier eating habits.
6. Tell your family and friends - It may seem kind of silly, but letting people know will help you to gain support and possibly eliminate some temptation. This will also add to accountability for your actions.
7. Identify ways to exercise - Take note of things that are already part of your daily routine which can help you to exercise. Examples could be using stairs instead of elevators, walking to the store, extending your dog walk from 15 to 30 minutes..
8. Zone out - The best way to make exercise time fly by is to listen to your favorite music. Portable MP3 players are really cheap now so you have no excuse not to use them. Don't rely on live TV or radio which can tempt you to change the channel which will disrupt your routine.
9. Set realistic goals - Slow and steady increase in exercise and eating healthier foods is usually the best path to follow. Don't get burned out by not eating enough or by exercising too much. Know your limits and try to work within them.
10. All weight is not equal - If you gain muscle and lose fat you may actually gain weight overall. However, muscles require calories every day to survive which will increase your metabolism and ultimately help you to keep the weight off.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Weight Lose Tips
There are ten quick tips using general knowledge to help you shed weight, even if you can not hold to a regimented diet.
1) If you drink a lot of soda, stop! For many people who drink soda, switching to water alone may be enough to lose up to twenty or more pounds in a year. The average can of soda contains 150 calories. Even if you stop drinking one a day, that's 54,750 calories in a year. That's 15 ½ pounds of calories, not to mention sugar, or the fact that the carbonated water makes your body keep on water weight. Dump the soda.
2) Drink lots of water. Aside from reducing liquid calories (which for some people make up 1/3, or even ½ of their calories in a day), drinking five glasses of cold water in a day burns about 50 calories. It's not much, but it is about 5 lbs in a year. If you switch from one or two pops a day to five glasses of water, you are actually making over a twenty pound shift in one year! It's just that easy.
3) Walk. Walking is one of the best ways of burning calories and moving up your metabolism. Walking is low impact, and fifteen to forty-five minutes a day not only burns some extra calories, but it simply makes you feel better!
4) Replace "bad fats" with "good fats." Bad fats are especially found in junk food, processed foods, and red meat. Good fats are found in nuts, fish, and olive oil. While you do not want to go to a high fat diet, the fats found in nuts, fish, and oil tend to fight the bad fat and bad cholesterol, and generally contain less calories than beef, for example. Lighter meats are generally better than dark.
5) Use the stairs. Everyone likes an elevator, but a few flights of stairs can be muscle exercise and aerobic exercise all at the same time. Since more muscle equals a higher metabolism, walking stairs can have benefits well after you finish.
6) Fruits and Veggies. Fruits and vegetables are the best because they contain vitamins, have very low amounts of calories, but also fill you up. A steak fills you up, so does a large dish of broccoli, cauliflower, or musk melon. Care to guess which one puts on less weight? They also are pretty much non-existent fat wise, another added bonus.
7) Don't eat before bed time. This food is less likely to fully digest, meaning it goes straight into fat storage.
8) If possible, take a long leisurely walk right before, or right after, a meal. This is a good practice, and is most effective in burning the calories as you eat them, or right after. This will give your leisurely exercise maximum effect.
9) Drink Green Tea. Other than ice water, there is no better drink. Green tea is full of anti oxidants, it helps your organs run more efficiently, and your body requires calories to burn it. For those people getting off the soda, this can also ease caffeine headaches and other withdrawals.
10) Eat slowly. Many people grab seconds after wolfing down a first plate. If you are used to taking two or more plates and you eat slowly, you may be surprised after half an hour to realize that you aren't quite done, but you're already full!Sunday, April 8, 2007
Eat Less and Exercise More
It is found in the test that a diet pill which is awaiting governmental approval for sale in the
Eat less and exercise more is the best opinion for weight loss.
Sanofi-Aventis , a French pharmaceutical company introduced a miracle weight loss diet drug Acomplia which is used to get rid of excess weight , raises good cholesterol, cuts the risk of diabetes and work as an antismoking aid.
Most of the diet drugs are appetite suppressants which can have unpleasant side effects involving the intestinal track, Acomplia works on the brain’s pleasure center, disrupting the cycle of craving and satisfaction that is connected with compulsive behaviors and addictions.
During two year research of the drug it is found that 6.2 percent of those who took a daily 20-milligram dose developed psychiatric disorders, such as depression and anxiety compared with 2.3 percent of those who took a placebo.
By taking the side effects in consideration the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has delayed to make a decision on whether Acomplia should be approved to be sold in the
Many of the obese people who used popular diet suppressant fenphen developed heart-valve disease that’s why the weight loss pill was pulled off the market in1997.
Wyeth, the drug company that made fen-phen, has paid out more than $21 billion in legal fees, judgments and settlements as a result of lawsuits.
Whether Acomplia becomes the miracle diet drug that Sanofi claims it is or whether it suffers the same fate as fen-phen only time will tell.
A few years ago a study was featured in the New England Journal of Medicine which was carried out by National Institutes of Health that the people who took only a diet pill lost an average of 11 pounds but those who stuck to a 1500 calorie daily diet and half –hour walks almost every day lost an average of 27 pounds.
The people who are suffering deep weight problems they need medical help.But for the most people it is advisable for weight loss to follow the formula eat less and exercise more which is completely free from side effects.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Drink More Water
Hi...If you are suffering from the problem of obesity then don't loose heart because it brings many problems to you.Even it looses your confidence level.
It make you feel inferior to the others as your total personality has been changed completely.But if you want to regain the same personality,same smartness then you have to devote some time to fight against this obesity.
Water is an important factor to get rid from the excess fat of your body.There are many benefits of water.It is also very important to drink more water to loose weight .
This process gives results but require some long days. So just start to think upon this...
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Weight Loss Tips
There is a big question how to loose weight. Which method should be adopted for loosing weight.These all depend upon your age .
If you are a youngster then it is recommended that you should try to loose the weight by doing exercise and if you are an aged person then you can think about the weight loss pills.
There are many people across the world who are suffering from the problem of obesity. But don't loose the heart be positive and start from today, You will definitely be in a good shape after some days....
Hi there.....
This is espeon...welcome to my blog.Here you will find all about various methods of losing weight .These methods may be sufficient usefull for the people who are suffering from the problem of obesity.