Sunday, June 17, 2007

Weight Loss : A Solution to Foot Problem

Foot problem, which increases the long list of conditions which is a result of overweight .When u take a step each time, you are putting one and a half times your weight on your foot.

It becomes three to four times your weight when you play tennis each time it hits the ground. Every pound of increment in weight increases the hammering on your feet.

Excess weight resulted in the misery of heel pain and arthritis, among other foot problems. The inflammation which runs from your heel to the ball of your foot is caused by too much pressure or strain resulted in to a sharp pain at the heel.

If you are overweight or obese, you're likely to leave your foot doctor's office not only with pain medication and instructions for stretching exercises, but also with some advice on losing weight.

Of course, foot problems develop for many reasons. All told, more than three out of four Americans will suffer some kind of foot ailment in their lifetimes. And there are more than 300 types of foot problems that can develop, according to Foot Care Basics.

Along with pain medication and instructions for stretching exercise, weight loss can be the solution to foot pain problem.

According to Foot Care Basics there are more than 300 types of foot problems that can develop. More than three out of four Americans will suffer some kind of foot ailment in their lifetimes.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Weight Loss Key Factor

A clinical trial with one year duration pointed out key factors for weight loss. Eating less doesn’t mean it reduces your weight but eating smart really help you to get rid of excess weight. Here eating smart refers to the food which provide low calorie density food. It is not only reduce your weight but also help you to control hunger.

Foods such as fruits, vegetables, soup, lean meat, and low-fat dairy products - are low in calorie density and provide few calories per bite which can be included in smart eating..

Dr. Julia A. Ello-Martin, who conducted the study as part of her doctoral dissertation in the College of Health and Human Development at Penn State said,"Eating a diet that is low in calorie density allows people to eat satisfying portions of food, and this may decrease feelings of hunger and deprivation while reducing calories."

He also added, "We have now shown that choosing foods that are low in calorie density helps in losing weight, without the restrictive messages of other weight loss diets,"

Monday, June 11, 2007

Weight Loss with out going hungry

Millions of people all over the world are facing the problem of obesity. There is not any magic bullet to get rid of this problem of obesity.

However, a young researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem revealed that he came to know a practical weight loss solution for obese person without his having to feel hungry.

Yaniv Linde, a 32-year-old Ph.D. student of Prof. Chaim Gilon in the Department of Organic Chemistry at the Hebrew University and his associates have developed a compound that mimics the activity of the naturally occurring hormone called aMSH. This hormone is naturally excreted during eating and binds to a receptor in the brain called MC4R. When this "communication" occurs on a substantial level, the brain sends out a signal that one feels "full."

The young Hebrew university researchers developed a novel method for synthesizing a peptide (a peptide is a compound linking two or more amino acids) which can serve as an analog to the naturally occurring aMSH hormone. They were able to demonstrate that their peptide, which they call BL-3020, displayed good metabolic stability to intestinal enzymes when swallowed, and that it was able to cross the intestinal wall and gain access into the blood stream. Once in the blood, it could make its way to the MC4R receptor and "close the circuit" to send out the "full" signal.

The result is that a person seriously wishing to overcome obesity could take this compound orally in order to curb his appetite, thus leading to natural weight loss. In experiments with mice, it was shown that a single oral administration of BL-3020 led to reduced consumption over a period of 24 hours. Over a 12-day period of daily dosages, the mice weighed 40 percent less than the average for mice of their size and age who were not being given the compound.

The peptide has been patented in Europe and the U.S., and a commercial firm, Bioline RX Ltd. of Jerusalem has purchased development rights from Yissum, the Hebrew University's technology transfer company, and is currently working towards creating a commercial anti-obesity drug.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Obesity – A Risk for Pancreatic Surgery

There may be more chance of post-operative complications for the patients who had pancreatic surgery because of obesity.

Adam Berger, M.D., assistant professor of surgery at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University said , “A study of 202 pancreatic surgeries from 2000 to 2005 indicates obese patients had an increased time on the operating table, blood loss, length of hospital stay and rate of serious complications compared to normal weight individuals.”

The increasing Body Mass Index (BMI) is going to be the biggest problem for the health care professional’s .

The higher BMI can cause more risk of diabetes and heart disease, as well as esophageal and pancreatic cancers.

In a study it is found that the rate of serious complications in obese, normal and overweight patients is 27, 18 and 15 percent respectively.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Walking Reduces Many Health Problems

Weight LossMost of the obese people are suffering from heart disease, diabetes problems .The excess weight becomes a big problem for them. At this stage of life they are unable to do hard exercise or join a gym for weight loss. Walking play an important role to help them to reduce the problem caused by the excess weight.

The study published on pointed out that the right kind of help give support to people to encourage them to walk for up to 30-60 minutes more per week.

Physical activity is very useful to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer of the colon. Walking which is a free and convenient method provide activeness in the people that’s why most people go for a walk even in the old age.

Face to face advice or telephone support, using pedometers, or promoting walking as an environmentally friendly mode of transport can be a variety of ways to increase the habit of walking in different people by different approaches.